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Filum System®: A Brief Guide available in Chinese.

Published by at 19 June, 2019

Here at Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, we are pleased to announce that we already have the new version of Filum System®: A Brief Guide in Chinese!

We currently have the Filum System®: A Brief Guide in 8 languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, English, Portuguese and Chinese.

We hope that our hard work of translation would be very useful and it would help you to know and better understand the diseases associated with the Filum Disease: Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Arnold-Chiari type I Syndrome, Idiopathic Syringomyelia, Idiopathic Scoliosis, etc.

To obtain your copy of the Brief Guide in your preferred language, you can contact the secretary of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation:

Nina Arutiounova
[email protected]
(+34) 93 280 08 36

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